Welcome to Tennessee Osteopathic Institute

Mind, Matter, Motion

These words, from the founder of Osteopathy, A.T. Still MD, DO, are the title to a chapter in his book “The Philosophy of Osteopathy”. He explains here, one paradigm of the triune nature of humanity. Mind being that internal process of our thoughts and feelings, Matter being the structure of our body, and Motion being the influence from outside of us, that causes automatic movement in us all. Whether or not we are aware of that influence it is there. It is this wholeness that we recognize in the Biodynamic Model, and how this influences the patients ability to self correct.

This is a Traditional Osteopathic Study and Teaching Program using the Principles of Osteopathy in the exploration of our unique approach to every patient.

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We are all part of the Natural World

Being reconnected to Nature is the beginning of a journey towards Health.